The United Effort Organization logo

Arbor Park

  • 899 N King Road (map)
City San Jose
Units 75

1 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: 1 person
Maximum Occupancy: 3 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $22,728

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$38,070 to $48,960

Household of 1: $38,070
Household of 2: $43,515
Household of 3: $48,960

30% AMI $24,672

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$38,070 to $48,960

Household of 1: $38,070
Household of 2: $43,515
Household of 3: $48,960

40% AMI $32,904

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$49,960 to $64,240

Household of 1: $49,960
Household of 2: $57,120
Household of 3: $64,240

50% AMI $37,896

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$63,450 to $81,600

Household of 1: $63,450
Household of 2: $72,525
Household of 3: $81,600

50% AMI $41,136

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$63,450 to $81,600

Household of 1: $63,450
Household of 2: $72,525
Household of 3: $81,600

60% AMI $45,480

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$76,140 to $97,920

Household of 1: $76,140
Household of 2: $87,030
Household of 3: $97,920

60% AMI $49,368

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$76,140 to $97,920

Household of 1: $76,140
Household of 2: $87,030
Household of 3: $97,920


2 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: 2 people
Maximum Occupancy: 5 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $27,288

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$43,515 to $58,740

Household of 2: $43,515
Household of 3: $48,960
Household of 4: $54,390
Household of 5: $58,740

30% AMI $29,616

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$43,515 to $58,740

Household of 2: $43,515
Household of 3: $48,960
Household of 4: $54,390
Household of 5: $58,740

40% AMI $39,504

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$57,120 to $77,080

Household of 2: $57,120
Household of 3: $64,240
Household of 4: $71,360
Household of 5: $77,080

50% AMI $45,504

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$72,525 to $97,900

Household of 2: $72,525
Household of 3: $81,600
Household of 4: $90,650
Household of 5: $97,900

50% AMI $49,368

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$72,525 to $97,900

Household of 2: $72,525
Household of 3: $81,600
Household of 4: $90,650
Household of 5: $97,900

60% AMI $54,600

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$87,030 to $117,480

Household of 2: $87,030
Household of 3: $97,920
Household of 4: $108,780
Household of 5: $117,480

60% AMI $59,256

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$87,030 to $117,480

Household of 2: $87,030
Household of 3: $97,920
Household of 4: $108,780
Household of 5: $117,480


3 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: 4 people
Maximum Occupancy: 7 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $31,536

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$54,390 to $67,440

Household of 4: $54,390
Household of 5: $58,740
Household of 6: $63,090
Household of 7: $67,440

30% AMI $34,224

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$54,390 to $67,440

Household of 4: $54,390
Household of 5: $58,740
Household of 6: $63,090
Household of 7: $67,440

40% AMI $45,624

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$71,360 to $88,520

Household of 4: $71,360
Household of 5: $77,080
Household of 6: $82,800
Household of 7: $88,520

50% AMI $52,560

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$90,650 to $112,400

Household of 4: $90,650
Household of 5: $97,900
Household of 6: $105,150
Household of 7: $112,400

50% AMI $57,024

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$90,650 to $112,400

Household of 4: $90,650
Household of 5: $97,900
Household of 6: $105,150
Household of 7: $112,400

60% AMI $63,072

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$108,780 to $134,880

Household of 4: $108,780
Household of 5: $117,480
Household of 6: $126,180
Household of 7: $134,880

60% AMI $68,448

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$108,780 to $134,880

Household of 4: $108,780
Household of 5: $117,480
Household of 6: $126,180
Household of 7: $134,880


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